Sonntag, 22. April 2012

Course Trip to Hamburg, Germany

Mobile Photography


My name is Dominik and this is my first Blog!
I'm taking pictures with my mobile phone all the time, especially on holidays and trips. But what to do with all these pictures? Some time ago I discovered that you can edit photos on your phone with some simple steps and apps....and the results aren't bad at all! I had lots of fun editing my old and new pictures on my Galaxy Nexus phone and discovered new great apps to work with all the time. More and more photos gathered on my phone so now I'm going to share them with you.
My work has some simple rules: I take all the pictures by myself with the camera of my phone and I only edit them on the phone as well.
I'm going to post a picture every week, well at least I'm trying....don't get mad if I don't. In addition I'm going to write a text about things I discovered, a story about the photo, reviews....whatever comes to my mind.
This is a picture I took on a course trip to Hamburg in the Speicherstadt.


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